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Working from Home with Pets

A person holding a teddy bear

Let’s face it: our pets loved the pandemic. Suddenly, everything ground to a halt, and they had us at home all day, every day. As we adjusted to working from home, our companion animals reveled in our nearness, and we enjoyed their company. For those of us who have now returned to work outside the home, pets are having a less favorable transition. In fact, many pets have ended up in shelters post-pandemic, as their owners found they were unable to handle them once life went back to normal. If you have a pet who hasn’t transitioned particularly well to being alone again, don’t give up! We have some tips for helping you ease this shift for your furry family members.

Create a Routine

Whether or not you are at home, your pets need a routine to feel secure. Give this some thought, considering when you will get up in the morning and go to bed at night, when you will leave the house to work out, work, go to meetings, grocery shop, and so on. Think about your pets’ routine, and what needs to change in terms of when they eat and when they get exercise. Will they begin going to doggy daycare? It is something worth considering, because it gives your pets a change of scenery and an opportunity to exercise, socialize, and enjoy themselves.

Plan Alone Time for Your Pets

During the pandemic, many of us abandoned the use of crates. Now that they are once again necessary, many pets are resistant to accepting these “new” boundaries. Getting them used to being alone requires planning some time for them to stay in their crates, or in a separate part of the house while you are cooking dinner or running an errand. It is your responsibility to help your pets be comfortable without you, so even if you do not need to utilize the crate, it is good to get them used to it.

Reintroduce the Crate Slowly

Start out slowly, especially if it has been a long time since your pets were crated, or if they are resistant. Start by separating them for a short time, and increase the time gradually. If you are working from home, you might try crating them for half of the work day, a few times a week. If that is too much for them, start more slowly, only crating them for short times, like when you’re taking a shower or eating a meal. Make sure you are limiting the time so that it doesn’t become stressful for them. You want their crates to feel like safe spaces, not a punishment or isolation.

Gradual Change is Worth the Effort

If you change your dogs’ routine suddenly, you might find yourself facing not only resistance but also unfavorable behavior. Transitions can be tricky, and many dog owners find it difficult to go from spending a great deal of time with their pets to going back to a full-time work schedule. Dogs that are stressed may develop anxiety disorders, whine and cry insistently, or even destroy the furniture. It is well worth it to make the effort to gradually change the routine and have patience with your dogs, so that you can reach your desired outcome.

Doggy Daycare Can Smooth the Way

We mentioned it before but it bears repeating: dog daycare can help your pet be away from you. When your dogs have time with other dogs, they can feel a sense of freedom and socialize with other dogs. They get a chance to be part of a pack, in a safe space, and realize that time away from you isn’t so bad. When you pick them up after a long day of play, they’ll be happy, relaxed, and ready to settle down for the night.

Let Dr. Dave’s Help You Care for Your Pets

If you are looking for someone to help you give your pets the care they deserve, Dr. Dave’s Doggy Daycare, Boarding, and Grooming is your one-stop shop! Our staff full of pet lovers has extensive experience in the pet care industry, and we understand that your pets deserve the best of everything. If you don’t want your dog to be lonely while you’re away from home, our daycare services will provide socialization with other dogs and a staff that will pay special attention to your pet’s needs. If you need to go out of town, we will keep your dog safe and happy, and we have a certified veterinarian available 24/7 in case of health care issues. Does your pet need grooming? We’ll provide your pet with a spa day worthy of royalty. For more information about all the services we offer to pet lovers and their furry family members, call 408-647-2774 in Saratoga, 408-520-4902 in Campbell, or contact us through our website.